Monday, May 30, 2016

Wrapping up

The last week of school brings a roller coaster of emotions and commitments. Of course there are happy times and sad ones, but then there are the unexpected ones like shock. Oh you don't have that one? Just me?

Well, let me walk you through the last week of school. Of the four days that last week has, I had to go to the school for some type of an awards ceremony, graduation, talent show...all. four. days.

Okay so maybe it's not that bad being there four days in a row, but figure in that each day I've got T-duck in tow. Each day sitting through 1 hour plus. You can imagine how that was...

So let me get back to shock. In the midst of all the chaos of the weeks events, I'm informed by P-Dog that he left his shirt at school, to which as any mom would say, I replied, "Don't forget to get it tomorrow."

Thursday morning, the last day of school, rolls around and it dawns on me. His shirt never came home. The shirt while it wasn't something super fancy or expensive (a $7 clearance polo shirt), it was one of his better shirts that it would be safe to say was my favorite on him.

Before taking them to school, we had the talk, "make sure you get your shirt today otherwise it will be gone for good."

Then I hear words that can make any mom blow hot air out her ears. "My shirt is in the big dumpster at school."

Wait what??? The DUMPSTER?

Yep he says.

Long story short, he threw his own shirt away. His reasoning? And remember I said shock??

His friends made fun of him.

His friends made fun of him for wears a blue striped polo. No character. No writing. A plain old shirt with a collar.

I was SHOCKED! And sad.

What could they possibly have seen in such a shirt that made my sweet guy so upset that he felt the only way out was throw it away?

So, if you can teach your kids a lesson today, let it be about bullying in P-dogs honor. Teach them the reprucions of bullying, tell them how bullying affected you when you were little because THAT is going to stand out to them.


Wednesday, May 25, 2016

A new look

For a while I've been hinting at a surprise!! Well guess what? It's time to reveal that surprise!!! 

Hopefully you all know of The Obscured Series.

Well, the whole series got a face lift! 

It's time to reveal the new cover for Obscured!! 

Whose excited to see the finished product? 

Without further ado....

Monday, May 9, 2016

Mothers Day

It goes without saying that Mother's day is usually quite glorious for us mother's. Mine was nothing short of that.

I got to sleep in until 7:30 am, and while that might not seem very late it was enough for me. As it turns out, K-love made me breakfast before anyone got up, consisting of a cut up granola bar, and cherries that she pitted for my by hand. All this in addition to her cleaning the whole house, hubby doing the dishes and laundry, and mopping the floors. It was an amazing day of relaxation.

Even my very clean-allerigic (yep thats a word meaning allergic to cleaning ;) I just made it up!) boys made me a card that was super sweet.

I'm one lucky mama.

So what made your mother's day grand?


Thursday, May 5, 2016


Last night sleep was optional. Not decided by me of course, but rather by the three year old who seems to dominate our house anymore.

Anyone who ever said terrible twos had never seen torrential threes...

Strong-willed, tantrum-ridden, three year old boys are just at that peak of terror. I cringe every time I have to say no knowing that I am about to be handed my butt by a three year old.

I'm a good mom, so no I don't allow my kids to get away with things, but there is just something about three that you just seem have to ride out, and hope for the best.

So here goes another day with too little sleep, and a lot of chocolate.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Lost Boy

All I can say is wow! What an amazing representation of a classic. So beautiful!

And so it happened...

I became a mommy blogger... And what better week to do it than the week of Mother's day? I've been blogging and writing for years, each time I sat down to write a blog post I found that my kids came to mind first, so here it is, a blog devoted to my mommy adventures, P-dog, K-love, and T-duck!!
Some of you may know me from: 

Or maybe have read my books:

Thanks for checking it out! And I hope you follow along.